Progressive people care about the death of Jews who due to
Hamas鈥檚 hostage hostilities are still dying, less
than about the deaths of Palestinians whose hateful opposition to
the Jews they do not find appalling.
The deaths of Palestinian Gazans recall those of the Gazan
Philistines killed suicidally by Samson, eyeless,
causing a temple to collapse on him together with the Gazans,
creating Philistine聽fatalities by on them falling.
Eyeless in Gaza, Aldous Huxley鈥檚 novel, was in 1936
first published,
millennia after a great temple of the Philistines was by
Samson rubbleished.
Judges 16:30 states:
讜址讬旨止郑讗诪侄专 砖讈执诪职砖讈謼讜止谉 转旨指诪郑讜止转 谞址驻职砖讈执讬之 注执诐志驻旨职诇执砖讈职转旨执讬诐謷 讜址讬旨值郑讟 讘旨职讻止謹讞址 讜址讬旨执驻旨止证诇 讛址讘旨址謾讬执转謾 注址诇志讛址住旨职专指谞执謹讬诐 讜职注址诇志讻旨讎诇志讛指注指謻诐 讗植砖讈侄专志讘旨謶讜止 讜址讬旨执讛职讬证讜旨 讛址诪旨值转执讬诐謾 讗植砖讈侄郑专 讛值诪执郑讬转 讘旨职诪讜止转謹讜止 专址讘旨执謺讬诐 诪值讗植砖讈侄芝专 讛值诪执謻讬转 讘旨职讞址讬旨指纸讬讜變
Samson cried, 鈥淟et me die with the Philistines!鈥 and he pulled with all his might. The temple came crashing down on the lords and on all the people in it. Those who were slain by him as he died outnumbered those who had been slain by him when he lived.
Gershon Hepner is a poet who has written over 25,000 poems on subjects ranging from music to literature, politics to Torah. He grew up in England and moved to Los Angeles in 1976. Using his varied interests and experiences, he has authored dozens of papers in medical and academic journals, and authored 鈥淟egal Friction: Law, Narrative, and Identity Politics in Biblical Israel.鈥 He can be reached at